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School Registration

Registration for the 2025/2026 school year for K-12 students, including French Immersion, is now open!



  • You MUST register online through . Paper applications will not be accepted.  
    • What is MyEd? The MyEd BC Student Family Portal is another way in which students and their family can access information about their educational program. 
    • Please note: the following school is NOT using MyEducation BC Online Registration: Partners In Education  
  • Please refer to this Catchment Area Boundaries page to determine your child’s school. 
    • Your first choice on MyEd must be your catchment area school.  
    • Your second choice on MyEd is your desired school, which can be indicated in the Comment field on the 'Submit Tab' (final step before submitting application on MyEd).  
      • Please note: Students who attend a school outside of their catchment area are not eligible for transportation or transportation assistance.   
  • If you do not have a MyEd account yet, please note that you MUST be on a laptop, computer, or iPad to create one. You cannot create an account on your phone.  


Information below for K-12 students who are new to ²Ýݮֱ²¥ or wishing to transfer to a school within our district: 

French Immersion K-12 Information 

  • Only available at James Thomson Elementary and Brooks Secondary.  
    • Kindergarten and Grade 1 only for students new to French Immersion.
    • For other grades, previous attendance in a French Immersion Program required. 
  • Priority will be given to those who register before February 28, 2025. If registration limits are reached, we will initiate a lottery process in March. 

English K-12 Information (NEW PROCESS) 

  • Elementary Schools for in catchment enrolment: Apply by March 31st. Your registration is acknowledged by email upon submission.  
  • Elementary Schools for out of catchment enrolment: Apply by March 31st for your child to be considered, subject to space availability. We will confirm school no later than May 31st.  
  • Reminder that students who attend a school outside of their catchment area are not eligible for transportation or transportation assistance.   
  • Non-eligible riders may be considered for transportation on routes that have available seats. These seats are very limited.  

Partners In Education K-12 Information

  • Please fill out this registration form for all programs:  



    • At the login page, click on “Request an account” 
    • On the next screen, you will be asked for account type – you will only have the default option of “I am a parent/guardian registering my child online”. Click “Next Step” 
    • Now you will enter YOUR information for your account in the fields provided. 
    • Ensure that you choose ²Ýݮֱ²¥ as the School District. Click “Next Step”. 
    • Next screen, you will need to enter your email, choose a password and set up security questions for your account. Please make sure you enter a valid email address that you have access to. 
    • Click “Create My Account” to complete account setup. 
    • If you receive a message stating that there is an existing account using the email that you entered, please email parentsupport@sd47.bc.ca for assistance. 
    • You will receive a confirmation email that you will use to verify your email and activate your account. Click the link in the verification email to activate.

    Once you have your account, follow these steps to complete your application:

    • Once you are logged into your MyEducation BC account, you will see a widget on the main page called “Start a new Online Registration”. 
    • Click the “Initiate….” button. 
    • You will be brought to a screen with seven different tabs: Start, Student, School/StrongStart Location, Family/Contacts, Additional Information, Documents, Submit 
    • Work your way through all the tabs ensuring that you enter all required information for your child. Any field with a red asterisk is required! 
    • Once you have entered all the required information and uploaded any required documents, you can hit “Submit” to complete your application. 
    • Your registration will be acknowledged via email. 
      *Go to your catchment school if you require help in-person to guide you through the online steps. 
      Additionally, here's a video that may help: 


    • Using your MyEducation BC Login ID and password, login to MyEducation BC. 
    • If you believe you have a MyEducation BC Parent Portal account but do not know your login information, please email parentsupport@sd47.bc.ca  
    Once you’re in your account, follow these steps to complete your application:
    • Once you are logged into your MyEducation BC account, you will see a widget on the main page called “Start a new Online Registration”. 
    • Click the “Initiate….” button. 
    • You will be brought to a screen with seven different tabs: Start, Student, School/StrongStart Location, Family/Contacts, Additional Information, Documents, Submit 
    • Work your way through all the tabs ensuring that you enter all required information for your child. Any field with a red asterisk is required! 
    • Once you have entered all the required information and uploaded any required documents, you can hit “Submit” to complete your application. 
    • Your registration will be acknowledged via email. 
      *Go to your catchment school if you require help in-person to guide you through the steps. 
      Additionally, here's a video that may help: 


The district is hosting a Kindergarten Registration event at Edgehill Elementary (for all families, not just Edgehill catchment families) on February 25th at 3pm-6pm in the library if they would like to learn more, ask any questions, or get support with registration. Please bring your student's birth certificate to complete registration in person. 

Student registration in ²Ýݮֱ²¥ is governed by Administrative Procedures and , and .

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