Board of Education
²Ýݮֱ²¥ is a part of the public education system in the Province of British Columbia and as such is in agreement with the stated philosophy for the Province, as listed below. To provide for situations which arise which are unique to this District, specific objectives will be added, as required, to supplement this philosophical statement.
"Public education in the Province of British Columbia is established in accordance with the philosophy that every child in the Province will have the opportunity to develop to his fullest potential not only as an individual but also as a member of society.
"As an individual, he will require intellectual self-realization, as well as physical, mental and emotional growth, and as a member of society he will need some training to make a living and be able to integrate with his cultural surroundings.
"The public school should apply this general aim so that provision can and will be made not only to recognize individual differences, but also to give real assistance in dealing with them and to foster creativity to the end that the personality of the individual and his faith in himself as an individual of work can be developed, not simply taken for granted."
In Canada, education is a Provincial responsibility. Under the School Act of British Columbia each School District is required to have a Board of School Trustees; which takes on much of the responsibility for the operation of public schools.
The Board of Trustees is elected locally every four years and assumes the responsibility for governing the education system in a progressive and educationally sound manner. The Board is fully accountable to you, the public.
Question Periods will be held at all Regular Meetings during which the public may raise any concerns except for matters usually considered in Special Closed Meetings. There will be one Question Period at the beginning of the meeting and another at the end.
The Board may reply to questions where policy has been established or the information is of a general nature. Other questions may be referred for further study.
Delegations will be placed on the agenda if a request is made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer seven days prior to a Regular Meeting. Subjects introduced by a delegation, which may require action will be placed on the agenda of the next Regular Meeting of the Board unless such subjects are already on the agenda of the Meeting at which the delegation appears; in this case, the subjects will be discussed at the time set for them on the approved agenda.